海洋之灾 中英文台词对照: Prepare to be boarded 准备登船! Swab that poop deck! 刷船尾啦! Come 'ere, me beauty! 来吧,美人! Look what crawled out of the bung hole! 看看马桶里网到了什么? Nothing but a bilge rat! 只不过是只仓鼠! I'll be using you for chum! 我要收你做“好朋友”! I won't rest until I see a hanging from the yard arm! 我非要把你吊死在桅杆上不可! Ramming speed 全速前进中! Wanna know why me Roger is so jolly? 想知道为啥我的海盗旗这么高兴么? Avast me hearties! 别跑,我的心肝! Shiver me timbers 吓老子一跳! Yohoho and a bottle of rum! 哟呵呵!加上一瓶瑞士朗姆酒 Ahoy! Ahoy!(啊霍依!打招呼的意思) Well, blow me down 有种轰趴我! I ain't got me ground legs yet, land lubber 我还没脚软呢,泥腿子! Enjoy your visit to the depths of the sea, land lubber! 去深海玩得开心点吧,旱鸭子!。