
   在情侣对戒上刻字诉情,款款情深,温馨浪漫。刻在订婚指环上,尽显您的心思和诚意;刻在上,就可让永恒不灭的誓言永伴相随,给您时刻细意回味。 除了在对方的指环上刻上自己的名字之外,您还可以选择刻上初相识、求婚或结婚等别具意义的日子。此外,您也可以参考以下提供的温馨爱语,看看当中有没有只言片语正好说中您的心事?点击图片查看相惜-执子之手系列 - 钻石对戒“生死契阔,与子成说。

  执子之手,与子偕老。”是一种古老而坚定的承诺,是浪漫而美丽的传说。执手千山万水骤然缩短,执手恩怨情仇悠然消散,执手泪眼不忍相看,执手相思,相思难眠。 A perfect fitAll my loveBe mineEternally yoursEvery day I love you moreFaith, hope & loveFor my greatest loveForever togetherI'm always with youI finally found youI knew from the moment I met you。

  。。Let's grow old togetherLove for infinityLove, friendship & happinessLove you, (his/her name)My belovedMy dream came true。

  。。My first, my onlyMy heartMy love, my life, my friendMy one true loveMy soulmateNever to partNo one but youNow and foreverNow that I have you。

  。。So in love with youThe beginning of foreverTo my one true loveMy one true loveMy soulmateNever to partNo one but youNow and foreverNow that I have you。

  。。So in love with youThe beginning of foreverTo my one true loveToday, tomorrow, alwaysToday, tomorrow, foreverTogether as oneUnited as oneUntil my forever ends。

  。。We are for each otherYou & MeYou are my sunshineYou have my heartYou are the reasonYou are my everything 但刻字宜短不宜长,因为一般都是刻在戒指内侧,不同的款式所留下的刻字空间不同。

   又加上在生产的时候戒指内侧需要刻上金属材质的代号、钻石的克拉数、商家品牌等,所以选择刻字内容时以短小精干为原则。 寥寥数字,已经能够表达好多,更给您无限的寄托和遐思!。