
「雅思口语话题」Festivals 的相关习俗及庆祝方式

Spring Festival---春节

除夕盛宴 having a bid meal on New Years’ Eve

放爆竹 setting off firecrackers

穿上最好的服装 putting on one’s best outfits

堆雪人making snowman

从长辈那里得到红包 receiving a red envelope with lucky money in it from elders

做饺子和吃饺子 making and eating dumplings

看春晚 watching the Spring Festival Gala on CCTV

拜访亲友 visiting relatives and friends

「雅思口语话题」Festivals 的相关习俗及庆祝方式

Mid-Autumn Festival---中秋节

一边赏明亮的满月一边吃月饼 eating moon cakes while appreciating the bright full moon;

未做一圈,听“嫦娥奔月”的动人传奇sitting around for the fascinating legend about “Chang’e Fly to the moon.’’

Dragon Boat Festival --端午节

向屈原(著名的中国古代学者)表示尊敬 showing respect to Quyuan (the famous Chinese ancient scholar)

举办龙舟赛,代表着协作和团队合作 holding the Dragon Boats racing competition, demonstrating cooperation and teamwork.

做粽子,并吃粽子 making and eating of a kind of dumpling called Zonzi

「雅思口语话题」Festivals 的相关习俗及庆祝方式

Double Ninth Festival--重阳节

对年长者表示尊敬 showing care and respect for the elderly

聚在一起,登高 getting together and climbing high mountains

背诵诗歌和文章 reciting poems and articles

Pure Brightness Festival---清明节

扫墓 sweeping graves

赠送或放置鲜花 presenting/placing fresh flowers

提供肉,蔬菜和米酒 offering meat, vegetables and rice wine

提供纸钱和其他象征财富的物品给死去的人 offering paper money and other symbols of wealth to the dead

鞠躬表达尊敬和敬意 bowing to express their respect and their regards.

以上是雅思口语关于Festivals 的相关习俗及庆祝方式,希望对大家有所帮助。